

Now the merchant loved gold dearly, and, looking deeper into the jar, he saw that only the t
op had been covered with olives, and that all below it was coin. He put the olives directly back, covered the jar, and returned to his wife.

The merchant spent most of that night thinking how he mi
ght take Ail Cogia's gold without any risk of being found out. In the morning he went and bought some olives of that year, and then, secretly emptying the jar of the gold and the moldy olives, filled it with the new ones, covered it up
, and put it in the place where Ali Cogia had left it.

In about a month, the traveler arrived at Baghdad. One of the first things he did there was to go to the merchant for his jar of olives, expre
ssing his hope that it had not been in the way. The merchant assured him that he had been glad to do this little service. "Here is the key of my warehouse," he said, "go and fetch your jar, you will find it where you
left it."

When Ali Cogia carried the jar to his inn and turned it over, nothing but olives rolled out of it.
这个爱财如命的商人,于是往瓶子中更深处仔细看,便见瓶子里面祇有上面一层盖着橄榄,底下所有都是金币。 他把橄榄放回原处,封上盖子,就到妻子那里去。
那天夜里,商人费了一晚上的工夫,想着如何能取得寇奇的金钱而又可以不被发觉的风险。 C 到了早上,他去买今年生产的橄榄,于是秘密地倒空瓶中的金币和烂橄榄,换进新鲜的橄榄,封上盖子,放在寇奇留存的地方。
大约过了一个月的光景,旅行者却回到巴格达了。 他回到这里所做的第一件事,即是到那商人的地方去取橄榄瓶子。他说希望这瓶子没有增加他什么麻烦。 商人则对他确实保证很乐于做这些小事。 「这是我的仓库的钥匙!」他说:「去取你的瓶子吧!你会在你留存的老地方找着的。」

