

"Bird, I thank you, and am rejoiced to find in you the sultan and king of birds."

As soon as the Emperor saw the dish of cucumbers before him, he reached out his hand, and took one, but when he had cut it he was in extreme surprise to find it stuffed with pearls.

"What novelty
is this?" he said, "and why were these cucumbers stuffed thus with pearls, since pearls are not to be eaten?"

He looked at the two Princes and Princess to ask them the meaning, when the bird, breaking in, said: "Can y
our majesty be so greatly surprised at cucumbers stuffed with pearls, which you see with your own eyes, and yet so easily believe that the Queen your wife was the mother of a dog, a cat, and a piece of wood?"

"I belie
ved these things," replied the Emperor, "because the nurses assured me of the facts."

"Those nurses, sire," replied the bird, "were the Queen's two sisters, envious of the honors you bestowed upon her, and burning for
revenge. If you examine them, they will confess their crime. The two brothers and the sister whom you see before you are your own children, exposed by them, and saved by the keeper of your gardens, who adopted and bro
ught up the children as his own."
「这些保母,陛下!」鸟儿回答道:「是王后的两位姊姊,她们嫉妒着您赐给她的荣耀,所以急欲泄愤。 假使您审问她们一番,她们都会承认所犯的罪行的。 您现在所见的两兄弟和妹妹,是您自己的子女,被她们置之死地,还好被您的御花园管理者所救,他把他们认为养子,并当成自己的孩子抚养长大。」

