

One, whom he looked to be their captain, came under the tree in which Ali Baba was concealed; and,
making his way through some shrubs, spoke the words, "Open, Sesame." As soon as the captain of the robbers said this, a door opened in the rock, and after he had made all his troop enter before him, he followed them, when the door shut a
gain of itself.

The robbers stayed some time within, and Ali Baba, fearful of being caught, remained in the tree, At last the door opened again, and the captain came out first, and stood to see all the troop pass by hi
m. Then Ali Baba heard him make the door close by saying, "Shut, Sesame." Every man at once bridled his horse, fastened his wallet, and mounted again. When the captain saw them all ready, he put himself
at their head, and they returned the way they had come.

Ali Baba watched them out of sight, and then waited some time before coming down. Wishing to see whether the captain's words would have the same
effect if he should speak them, he found the door hidden in the shrubs, stood before it, and said; "Open, Sesame." Instantly the door flew wide open.

Instead of a dark, dismalcavern, Ali Baba was surp
rised to see a large chamber, well lighted from the top, and in it all sorts of provisions, rich bales of silk, stuff, brocade and carpeting, gold and silver ingots in great heaps, and money in bags.
有一个人,似乎是他们的首领,走到树下,穿过了许多矮树之后,口中便念着:「芝麻,开门!」 盗贼首领刚刚说完,峻石之中就开了一道门,他让所有队伍进去之后,他才跟着进去,这时门便自动地再度关上了。
C 这些盗匪在里面停留了一段时间,阿里巴巴怕被捉到,所以仍藏匿在树上。后来门又开了,首领第一个出来,站在一旁看着众人在他面前经过。 于是阿里巴巴听他说着关门的口诀道:「芝麻,关门!」 每人便立即装上马辔头,系紧了行囊,又都上马。 首领见他们预备好了,便带领他们向来时的路上回去了。
阿里巴巴看着人们消失不见了,但在跳下树之前还是又等了些时间。 他极想知道,假使他说了盗匪首领的话,是否一切有同样的反应?他见门藏在矮树中便站到门前,说道:「芝麻,开门!」 才一下子门就直接开了。

文章标签:双语阅读  十大  
