

Their eyes were dazzled by the splendor of the jewels when they were arranged in the dish, an
d Aladdin's mother consented at once to take them to the Sultan and ask his daughter's hand for her son.

Early the next morning she wrapped the dish in two fine napkins and set out for the palace. Th
ough the crowd was great, she made her way into the divan, or audience hall, and placed herself just before the Sultan, the Grand Vizier, and other lords who sat beside him.

She was called forward. S
he bowed her head till it touched the carpet on the platform of the throne. Then the Sultan bade her rise and said: "Good woman, what business brings you here?"

This gave her heart to tell the errand
on which her son had sent her. The Sultan listened without anger till she was done, and then asked what she had brought tied up in the napkin. She took the china dish, which she had set down at the foot of the throne,
untied it, and presented it to the Sultan.

His wonder knew no bounds when he looked upon the jewels. Not until he received the gift from the woman's hands could he find words to say, "How rich! How
翌日清晨,她用两块很好的布把盘子包好,出发向王宫而去。 虽然有很多人,她仍向会议室以及会客厅走来,把自己置身在君主面前,这时首相和诸位大臣都坐在旁边。

C 君主召唤她向前。 她低头下去,一直碰到了王座前的地毯。
这给了她勇气,因此说出儿子送她来这儿的使命。 君主毫无怒意的静听到她说完为止,于是问她布里包的是什么。 她拿起放在王座下的瓷盘,解开后献给君主。

当他一见宝石,真是惊奇不已! 一直等到接受了妇人手中的礼物,他才回过神勉强说出:「多么贵重!多么美丽啊!」

