

The Story of Aladdin; or the Wonderful Lamp

In one of the large and rich cities in China, there once lived a tailor named Mustapha. He was so poor that by the hardest daily labor, he could barely support himself and his family, which consisted only of his wife and a so

This son, Aladdin, was a very careless, idle, and disobedient fellow. When he was old enough, his father tried to teach him the tailor's trade, but Mustapha no sooner turned his back than the boy
was gone for the day. He was frequently punished, but in vain, and at last the father gave him up as a hopeless idler and in a few months died of the grief Aladdin caused him.

The boy, now free from
restraint, became worse than ever. Until he was fifteen, he spent all his time with idle companions, never thinking how useless a man this would make of him. Playing thus with his evil mates one day, a stranger passing
by stood to observe him.

The stranger was a person known as the African magician. Only two days before, he had arrived from Africa his native country, and, seeing in Aladdin's face something that sh
owed the boy to be well fitted for his purposes he had taken pains to learn all that he could find out about him.
在中国某一个既富有又大的城市中,住着一个名叫孟士欧的裁缝师。 他非常穷,每日勤奋的工作,也仅能支撑自己与家庭的开销,而且他还有一妻一子。
C 他的儿子叫阿拉丁,是个非常粗心、懒惰和不顺从的人。 当他长大了,父亲试着把裁缝业传授给他,但孟士欧只要稍不留意,这孩子就出去玩个整天。 因此常常受到处罚,但总没有什么用!最后,父亲只好放弃这个毫无希望、游手好闲的人。数月后他竟因为忧虑儿子的不长进而死了。

C 男孩至此完全没有顾忌,且较之前更坏了。 C 直到十五岁,他仍和一些游手好闲的朋友在一起消磨时光,从没想过这样下去他会变成废物。 就这样有一天,他和坏朋友玩耍时,有个陌生人经过,并站在那里看着他。

这个陌生人,原来是个非洲的魔术师。 两天之前,他由故乡非洲来到此地,他见到这孩子的长相,有些地方很适合他的企图,因此他下功夫全力打听在他身边所发生的一切。

