In this device, I saw the means of my escape. I gathered the largest diamonds I could find, and put them into a leather bag fastened at my waist. Then I took the largest of the pieces of meat, tied it close around me with the cloth of my turban, and laid myself upon the ground, with my face downwards. I had scarcely placed myself, thus when one of the eagles bore me, with the piece of meat to which I was fastened to his nest on the top of the mountain. The merchants at once began their shouting to frighte n the eagles, and when they had driven the birds away, one of them came to the nest where I was. He was much alarmed when he first saw me, but soon began to quarrel, and asked me why I stole his goods. "Do not be uneasy," I said, "here are diamonds enough for you and me, more than all the others have together. They have to take what chance brings them, but I chose for myself in the valley those which you see in this bay," The other merchants now crowded around in amazement, and led me to their camp. When I showed them the diamonds in my bag, they confessed that they had never seen any of such size and beauty. I prayed the merchant who owned the nest to which I was carried (for every merchant had his own), to take for his share as many as he pleased. | 从这方法里,使我想到了逃脱的方式。 我捡拾了一些所能找到的最大的钻石,把它们系在腰带上的皮袋里。 然后把最大的肉块,用一条头巾紧紧绑在全身四周,然后脸朝下的伏在地上。 我才一仆倒,就有老鹰来带我和系在身上的肉块到山顶上的鸟巢里。 商人立即怒叱赶走老鹰,当他们把老鹰驱逐走了之后,有一人就爬到我躺着的巢里。。 他看见我吓了一跳,但不久就和我争吵,问我为何偷属于他的东西。 「不要生气,」我说:「这里的钻石足够你我分用,比别人合起来的还要多呢! 他们不过是碰运气取得,但你在我袋里所见的这些钻石,是我在山谷中精心挑选的。」 C 其它的商人惊讶的拥挤围着我,因此领我到他们露营的帐篷里。 当我把袋中的钻石给他们观看时,他们承认从未见过这样大而美丽的钻石。 我请求这位商人,因这个巢就是属于他的,而我却被老鹰带进去了(因为每一位商人都有自己的鸟巢)。就随他要拿走多少都可以! |