I promised to protect you, and to give you the ninth statue, the most beautiful of all. It was I whom you saw in a dream, in the shape of an old man; I caused you to open the underground place where you found the urns and the statues. I know what brought you hither, and on certain conditions you shall obtain what you desire. You must return with Mobarec, and you must swear to come again to me, and to bring with you a young maiden who has reached her fifteenth year, and has never wished to be married. She must be perfectly bea utiful, and you so much master of yourself as not even to wish to marry her as you are bringing her hither. I will give you a looking-glass, which will clearly reflect no other image than that of the young maiden you seek. Now swear that you will observe these terms, and keep your oath, otherwise I will take away your life, in spite of the kindness I feel towards you." Zeyn Alasnam swore that he would faithfully keep his word, and the Sultan of the Genii handed him a looking-glass, saying; "My son, you may return when you please, there is the glass you are to use." Zeyn and Mobarec then took leave of the Sultan of the Genii, and went towards the lake, over which the boatman with the elephant's head ferried them as he had done before. | 我愿意保护你,给你最美丽的第九个神像。 我就是你在梦中所见的那个老人,我使你开掘后来觅得金缸和神像的那座地下房子。 我知道你来此的目的,在某种条件之下,你将得到你所希望的一切。 你必须和莫比雷克一起回去,你须发誓再来这里,来的时候要带一个年届十五岁,而还没有结婚的美女。 她一定要非常美丽,而你自己一定要拿定主意,就是在来这里的时候,你心中必须没有要和她结婚的念头。 C 我给你一面镜子,它能清楚显示出你要找寻的姑娘的影像,却不会显示出别人。 现在快发誓,说你遵守这些条件,谨守誓言,不然我将取你的性命,也顾不得要善意的对待你了。」 济恩发誓忠心谨记它的誓言,于是魔王拿给他一面镜子,说道:「我的孩子!你可以随心所欲的回去了,这是你用得着的镜子。」 济恩和莫比雷克因此离开魔王岛,往湖边走来,象首的船夫和之前一般的把他们渡过了湖。 |