As they advanced in age, they all showed marks of superior dignity, and a certain air which could belong only to exalted birth. The keeper and his wife gave them names which had been borne by rulers of the kingdom��to the eldest, Bahman, to the second, Perviz, and to the Princess, Periezadeh. Bot h the Princes and the Princess were quick to learn all that their masters taught them, not only in books, but in exercises of the body, such as riding and bending the bow. The sister, unwilling to be outdone, often outdid her brothers i n various contests of skill. The keeper of the gardens, delighted to find all the expense in the training of his adopted children so well repaid resolved to do still more for them. He had been content with his lodge at the entrance of the garden, but now purchased a countryseat near the city, furnished it in the richest manner, and stocked its park with deer, that the Princes and Princess might divest themselves with hunting when they chose. To this place, in view of his advancing years, the Emperor permitted him to retire. His wife had been dead for some time, and he himself had not lived in his new abode more than six months, when he was surprised by so sudden a death that he had not time to give the Princes Bahman and Perviz and the Princess Perie-zadeh the least account of the manner in which he had saved them from destruction. | 他们年纪渐长,都显出超乎寻常的威仪,具有一种高尚门第出身才有的气质。 花园管理者和他的妻子给他们取的名字都是国王们所曾用的:老大名叫巴伦;老二名叫托维斯;公主则叫特侣嘉。 而且王子和公主对于老师所教授的,都学得非常勤快,不只是书本上是如此,就是运动方面如骑马射击之类也是如此。 且妹妹也不愿落后,在各种才艺竞争方面,也常超越两位兄长。 御花园管理者很欣喜地觉得对于这些收养来的孩子所花费的教育,竟有这样好的回报,就断然地决定要进一步的培育他们。 他本来很满意花园门口的屋舍,但现在他在近郊地方买了一所乡间别墅,装修极为富丽,并在这可爱的农庄里饲养牲畜,使王子和公主不被剥夺掉可以任意打猎的兴致。 皇帝见他年岁已高,允许他退休到这地方。 而他妻子也已去世很久了,他自己在新居祇居住了六个月的时光,当他出乎意料之外突然去世,以至于来不及把他从危难之中救出王子巴伦和托维斯及特侣嘉公主的大略情形告诉他们。 |