When day appeared, the serpents retired, and I came out of the cave trembling. I can justly say that I walked upon diamonds without feeling any desire to touch them. At last I sat down, and ate some of my food, and, in spite of my fears, fell asleep, for I had not closed my eyes during the night. Scarcely were they shut when something that fell by me with a great noise awoke me. This was a large piece of raw meat, and at the same time, I saw several others fall down from the rocks in different places. I had never believed what I had heard sailors and others tell of the valley of diamonds, and of the means employed by merchants to obtain jewels from it. But now I found that I had heard the truth. For the fact is, that merchants come to this valley when the eagles have young ones, and throw great joints of meat into it; the diamonds, upon whose points they fall, stick to them, the eagles, which are stronger in this country than anywhere else, pounce with great force upon these pieces of meat, and carry them to their nests on the edge of the rocks to feed their young, then the merchants run to their nests, drive off the eagles by their shouts, and take away the diamonds that stick to the meat. | 直到日出,巨蛇躲起来之后,我就颤栗地走出洞穴。 我可以说,虽在钻石上行走却丝毫没有想去碰它们一下的心情。 最后我坐下来吃了些食物,吃完之后就再也顾不得恐惧的睡着了,因为昨晚我简直没有闭上过眼睛。 然而刚一闭眼就觉得有东西掉落在身旁,声音极大又把我吵醒了。 原来是一大块的生肉,同时又看见各处岩石上落下好几块。 我从航海者或别人那里曾听说过关于钻石谷的传说,以及商人从谷中得到钻石的方法,却从来不相信。 但现在,我发觉听到的真的是事实。 原来商人在这些老鹰还很小的时候就来到山谷,他们把大块的肉丢在山谷中,钻石就附着在掉落下来的肉上面。而这里的老鹰比别处的老鹰来得强壮,老鹰会极力去攫取肉块,攫得之后飞到岩石上的鸟巢去喂小鹰,于是,商人们就跑到老鹰的巢里,用他们的怒叱声赶走了老鹰,并把附着在肉上的钻石取走了。 |