Then she descended with so much speed that I lost my senses. But when I found my self on the ground, I quickly untied the knot, and had scarcely done so when the roc, having taken up a serpent of monstrous length in her bill, flew away. The spot where I was left was surrounded on all sides by moun tains that seemed to reach above the clouds, and so steep that I could not possibly get out of the valley. It seemed to me that the place was no better than the desert island from which the roc had brought me. As I walked through the valley, I found it strewed with diamonds of a surprising bigness. But the pleasure of looking at them was soon destroyed by another sight, which filled me with terror, namely, a great number of serpent s, so monstrous that the least of them could swallow an elephant. In the daytime they hid in their dens from their enemy, the roc, and came out only in the night. I spent the day in walking about in the valley. When night came I went into a cave where I thought I might rest in safety. I closed the low and narrow entrance with a great stone, to preserve me from the serpents, but did not shut out all the light. Soon the serpents began hissing around me and put me in such extreme fear that I could not sleep. | 然后大鹏鸟快速飞驰而下,快得使我差点失去知觉。 但当我觉得在地上时,就赶快解开了结,而鹏鸟在啄到一条极长的巨蛇之后就飞走了。 C 我停留的地方,四周环绕群山,群山直入云霄,崎岖得令人无法走出山谷一步。 我发觉这里并不比鹏鸟当初带我离开的荒岛好! 在山谷中徘徊时,我看到谷中散布着令人惊讶的巨大钻石! 但看见钻石的快乐立刻被另一景象所取代,这景象使我充满了恐惧!那便是有无数的巨蛇,它们之中最小的也能生吞一头大象。 蛇在日间藏在穴里,以避开它们的仇敌──鹏鸟,而祇在夜间才敢出来。 我费了一天的工夫在山谷中四处徘徊。 到了夜间,就进入一个洞里,我想那里应该可以休息才是。 于是用一块大石头塞住了狭小的入口,以防止巨蛇入侵,但没有将光线完全遮蔽住。 不久巨蛇在洞外发出嘶嘶声响,让我害怕得根本睡不着觉! |