

His father purchased me, and died without making me free, so that I am still a slave, and all I h
ave belongs of right to this young Prince, his sole heir."

Here Zeyn broke in: "Mobarec, I declare before all these guests, that I make you free from this moment, and that I renounce all right to you and all you poss
ess. Consider what you would have me does more for you." Mobarec kissed the ground, and gave the Prince most hearty thanks.

The next day Zeyn said to Mobarec: "I have taken rest
enough. I came to Cairo not to take my pleasure. It is time for us to set out in search of the ninth statue."

"Sire," said Mobarec, "I am ready, but you know not what dangers you
must face."

"Whatever the danger may be," answered the Prince, "I am ready; I will either perish or succeed."

Mobarec, finding that Zeyn's mind was made up, called his servants
and bade them make ready for the start. When the Prince and he had made their own preparations, they set out. After traveling many days they came to a delightful spot, and alighted from their horses, Mobarec then sai
d to the servants: "Do you remain here till we return."
至此济恩插入说道:「莫比雷克,我在众人面前宣布,从此我放你自由,我拋弃管辖你和你所有的财产之权。 你想一想,还要我为你做些什么?」 莫比雷克亲吻地面,诚心诚意的感谢王子。

次日,济恩对莫比雷克说:「我休息够了! 我不是为享乐而来开罗的。 这该是我们出发找寻第九个神像的时间了。」
C 莫比雷克见济恩意志已决,便吩咐仆人命令他们准备出发。 当王子和他各自把行装整理妥当时,就启程而行。 走了几天之后,他们到了一个可爱的地方便下了马。莫比雷克于是对仆役说道:「你们留在这里,一直等到我们回来。」

