

The next morning he learned that Aladdin had gone with a hunting party, to be absent eight da
ys, three of which had passed. He needed to know no more, and quickly formed his plans. He went to a shop and asked for a dozen copper lamps; The master of the shop had not so many then, but promised them the next day,
and said he would have them, as the magician wished, handsome and well polished.

When the magician came back and paid for them, he put them in a basket and started directly for Aladdin's palace. As
he drew near, he began crying; "Who will change old lamps for new ones?"

The Princess was in the hall with the four and twenty windows, and, seeing a crowd outside, sent one of her women slaves to find out what the ma
n was crying. The slaves returned laughing, and told of the foolish offer.

The Princess, who knew not the value of this lamp, thought it would be a good joke to do as her slaves suggested, and in a f
ew moments it was done. The magician did not stop to cry "New lamps for old ones" again, but hurried to his inn and out of the town, setting down his basket of new lamps where nobody saw him.
第二天早上,他得知阿拉丁已经和狩猎的队伍出去,会有八天不在家,而现在已过了三天。 他不需要知道其它的了,就立刻安排计画。 他到一家商店中,买了十二个铜灯。店主没有这么多,但是答应在次日如数给他,美观和光亮将和他所要的一样。
当魔术师再回来且付了钱,就把灯放在篮子里,而直接向阿拉丁的宫殿走去。 快靠近时,他大叫着:「谁要旧灯换新灯?」
C 公主这时刚好在有二十四扇窗的大厅中,她看见外边有一群人,便派遣一个女奴,去问那人在叫喊着什么。 没多久女奴笑着回来,并说出那人玩笑式的提议。
公主并不知道此灯的价值,以为照奴仆所提议的,倒也可以成为一桩好笑话,所以在数分钟内便做成交易。 魔术师一路上一边喊着旧灯换新灯,脚上却不再停留,便急忙回到客栈,出城而去,把摆放新灯的篮子藏在没有人看见的地方。

