

"Nay," said the Princess, "you must not go so soon. I wish to show you th
e glories of Bengal, that you may tell something of what you have seen in the court of Persia." The Prince could not refuse such a request, and thus he became the guest of the Princess.

When two mo
nths had thus been spent, the Prince could put off his return no longer, and said as much to the Princess. It was indeed much harder for him now to go, for each had come to care greatly for the other. The Prince had
often ridden the Enchanted Horse to show the Princess what he could do, and now, when the time was come for him to take leave, he said boldly: "You see, dear Princess, what a wonderful horse this is, and how perfectly I can manage him. Will you not trust yourself to me? We will ride together to my home. My father will be rejoiced to see me, and will welcome you. We will be married at the Court of Persia, and all will be well."

The Princess of Bengal was not loath to go, and so in the early morning, when no one was awake, she made herself ready. The Prince and the Princess got up on the Enchanted Horse; the Prince placed the h
orse with his head toward Persia and turned the peg. Off they went, and in two hours they reached the capital.
「不可以!」公主说:「你一定不可以走得这样快。 我愿引导你看孟加拉的繁荣和告诉你所有的事情。使你在波斯宫廷中亦可将此行所见报告一二。」 王子不能拒绝这个请求,于是便成为公主的座上客了。
两个月过去,王子再也不能等待了,他要回国去,便想把实话告诉公主。 然而,到这时候他已经很难提出要离去了,因为他们都成了对方最主要的牵挂。 王子常骑魔马给公主看,以展现它的能力,现在当别离时刻来临时,他便大胆说道:「你看,亲爱的公主!这匹马是多么的神奇,表现得是多么的安全。我已能完全操控牠了。 你肯不肯把自己托付给我呢? 我俩可以一起骑回家。 父亲看见我一定会非常高兴,也一定会欢迎你的。 我俩将在波斯的皇宫中举行婚礼,那么一切将是多么完美。」
孟加拉公主并非不愿意去,所以当清晨时分,其它人都还没有醒来的时候,她就准备好了。 王子和公主骑上魔马,王子把马头对准波斯,然后转动木桩。 他们就走了,两小时内,就到达波斯城内。

