

One day, as Aladdin was walking about the town, he heard an order proclaimed that the people
should close their shops and houses and keep within doors while the Princess Buddir al Buddoor, the Sultan's daughter, should go to the bath and return. Aladdin was filled with an eager desire to see the face of the Princess, and contri
ved to place himself behind the door of the bath. When she was a few paces away from it, she removed her veil, and Aladdin saw for a moment, one of the most beautiful faces in the world. When she passed by him, he quit
ted his hiding place, and went home thoughtful and grave.

"Are you ill?" asked his mother.

"No," he answered, "but I love the Princess more than I can express, and am resolved that
I will ask her in marriage of the Sultan."

His mother thought him mad, but Aladdin said: "I have the slaves of the lamp and the ring to help me," and then told her for the first time what riches he possessed in the j
ewels brought from the underground palace. "These," he said, "will secure the favor of the Sultan. You have a large porcelain dish fit to hold them, fetch it, and let us see how they will look when we have arranged the
m according to their different colors."
有一天,阿拉丁在街上徘徊,听见有命令传下来,声称君主的女儿芭罗舒德公主,当她沐浴回来时,百姓们须得把店铺和屋子的门关好,躲在屋里。 阿拉丁兴起了欲睹公主芳容的欲望,便设法躲在公主浴室的门后面。 当她离门数步时,她卸下面罩,于是阿拉丁剎那间看到世上最美丽的脸宠。 而当她经过之后,他就离开躲藏的地方,并带着沉思和严肃的心情回家了。

C 「你不高兴吗?」他母亲问道。
C 「不是!」他回答:「只是我爱上了公主,已非言语所能表达,我决定要请求君主允许我和她结婚。」
C 他母亲以为他疯了,但是阿拉丁说:「我有灯及戒指的奴隶可以帮助我。」于是第一次告诉母亲,他拥有的财富就是从宫殿地下室带回来的宝石。 「这些!」他说:「一定可以博得君主的宠爱。 你有一个很大的瓷盘,刚好能容纳这些宝石,你去拿来,我们按照各种色彩把它们排列起来,看一看它们是什么样子?」

