

Shall we soon be in the country of the Prince, my husband?"

"Madam," answered Mobarec, "it is time to tell you the truth. Prince Zeyn married you only in order to get you from your father. He did not promise to make you Queen of Bussorah, but to bring you to the Sultan of the
Genii, who has asked of him a maiden of your loveliness and purity."

At these words, she began to weep bitterly, which moved the Prince and Mobarec. "Take pity on me," said she. "I am a stranger, you will have to answer to God for your treachery towards me."

Her tears had no effect, for she was presented to the Sultan of the Genii, who after looking at her closely, said to Zeyn; "Prince, I am
satisfied with your conduct. The maid you have brought me is beautiful and good, and I am pleased that you have been a master of yourself to fulfill your promise to me. Return to your own land, and when you enter th
e room where the eight statues are, you shall find the ninth which I promised you."

Zeyn thanked the King of the Genii, and returned with Mobarec to Cairo, and thence with haste homewards to see the ninth statue. But he could not help thinking often with regret of the maiden he had married, and blamed himself for her sorrows.
「夫人!」莫比雷克回答:「这是告诉你实话的时候了。 济恩王子之所以和你结婚,不过是想从你父亲手中得到你罢了! 他并不应允把你尊为王后,而要把你带到魔王那里,魔王要一个像你这样可爱和贞洁的女子。」
听了这些话,她开始痛苦地哭泣起来,哭泣使得王子和莫比雷克的决心差点动摇。 「怜惜我!」她说。 「我是个陌生者,你们将因欺骗我而受上帝惩罚的。」
她的眼泪无法发生效力,因为已被献到魔王面前,魔王仔细观看之后,对济恩说道:「王子!你的行动我甚满意。 你献给我的姑娘,美丽而良善,我也喜欢你能自制着,实践你对我的誓言。 你回自己的地方去,你一回到八个神像所在的房内时,就会看见我允许送你的第九个神像了。」
济恩谢了魔王,就和莫比雷克回到开罗,从那儿赶快回家去看第九个神像。 但他不能抑制而时常悔恨地想起关于和他结了婚的姑娘,因为她的悲愁让王子时常自责不已。

