Thus was I left to the mercy of the waves, for the rest of the day, and the night that follow ed. By this time I found my strength gone, and was despairing of my life, when happily a wave threw me against an island. The bank was high and rugged, but some roots of trees helped me to get up. Whe n the sun arose, I was very feeble, but managed to find some herbs that were fit to eat, and a spring of good water. Thus refreshed, I advanced farther into the island, and reached a fine plain, where I saw some horses feeding. As I went towards them, I heard the voice of a man who appeared and asked me who I was. When I had told him my adventure, he led me by the hand into a cave, where there were several other people, no less amazed to see me than I was to see them. I partook of some food which they gave me, and then learned that they were grooms belonging to the sovereign of the island, where they brought the king's horses every year for pasturage. They were to return home on the morrow, and had I been one day later I must have perished, because the inhabited part of the island was far off, and I could never have reached it without a guide. As a merchant, I m et with many men of my own profession, and sought news from Bagdad and the opportunity to return, for the capital of the island has a fine harbor, where ships arrive daily from many quarters of the world. | 在这一天一夜里,我就投身于波浪之中。 然而当我觉得力气已用尽,且正为生命感到绝望时,却幸运地被一波海浪冲到一个岛上。 岛的岸边高低不平,但藉树根之助得以攀登上岸。 日出时我已非常虚弱,却仍旧设法找寻一些可以吃的草和好的泉水。 精神稍微振作后我就深入岛中,走到一块不错的平原,看见有些马在吃草。 当我走近它们时听见了人声,他出来问我是谁。 我把历险经过告诉他后,他就牵着我的手引导我到一个洞里,洞中另有人在,而他们见到我的好奇心并不少于我见到他们的。 吃了些他们给我的食物,然后得知马夫是属于另一独立岛屿的,他们每年带马来这里放牧。 而且他们明天就要回去,要是我再迟一天来此,那就得受罪了,因为这岛的居住区域离此很远,没有向导绝不可能到达那儿的。 因为我是一个商人,所以遇到许多同行,得以探寻来自巴格达的消息和回去的机会。更因为这岛上的首都有很好的港口,每天有船从世界各处驶来。 |