

His father was overjoyed to see him, and he wished to know all about the Hindu's horse, and
what had happened.

The Prince told him all, and dwelt upon the great kindness which had been shown him in Bengal. He ended by telling the King how he had brought the Princess on the Enchanted Horse
with him, and begged that he might be permitted to marry her.

The King gladly gave his consent, and bade the Prince go at once and fetch the Princess. He sent for the Hindu also out of prison.

Now the Hindu had heard of what had happened, and how the Prince had gone to fetch the Princess, he mounted his horse at once and went straight to the country house. He reached the place before the Prin
ce, and told the captain of the guard that he had been sent by the King to fetch the Princess on the Enchanted Horse. The captain of the guard readily believed him, as did the Princess, who got up on the horse behind the Hindu.

The Hindu did indeed ride through the air to the palace, but he did not alight. The Hindu rode off with the Princess, no one knew where.

The Prince was far more besid
e himself than the King. "I must at once set forth to seek my Princess," said the Prince, and he pulled off his own dress and put on the disguise.
王子就把所有事情全都告诉他,并且详细述说在孟加拉时所受到的一切盛情款待。 最后他说到如何用魔马把公主带回来,并且请求允许他和公主结婚。
皇帝欣然同意他的要求,并且命令王子,立刻去迎接公主。 他也吩咐把印度人从狱中释放出来。
却说印度人早已知道一切经过,更知道王子如何去接公主,所以立即上马直奔旅馆而去。 他比王子早到旅馆,告诉士兵队长,说是皇帝指派他骑魔马来接公主的。 士兵队长信以为真,而公主也深信不疑,便坐在印度人的身后骑上了马。
印度人的确经过空中朝皇宫而来,但是并没有降落下来。 他和公主飞走了,没有人知道他们的去处。

王子比皇上更加焦急忧愁。 王子说:「我必须立即出发寻找我的公主。」王子脱去自己的衣服,换上便服。

