

When he reached a lonely spot, he pulled the old lamp out of his breast, and, to make sure that it was the one he wanted, rubbed it. Instantly the genie appeared and said: "What wouldst thou have? I am ready to obey thee as thy slave, and the slave of all those who have that lamp in their hands, both I and the other slaves of the lamp."

"I command thee," replied the magician, "to bear me and the palace which thou and the other slaves of the lamp have built in this city, with all the people in it, at once to Africa."

The genie made no reply, but in a moment, he and the other slaves of the lamp had borne the magician and the entire palace to the spot where he wished it to stand.

Early the next morning
, when the Sultan went as usual to gaze upon Aladdin's palace, it was nowhere to be seen. The Grand Vizier was summoned to explain it. In secret, he bore no good will to Aladdin, and was glad to suggest that the very b
uilding of the palace had been by magic. The Sultan was persuaded, therefore, to send a body of his guards to seize Aladdin as a prisoner of state. When he appeared the Sultan would hear no word from him, but ordered h
im put to death. This displeased the people so much that the Sultan, fearing a riot, granted him his life and let him speak.
当他到了一个人迹稀少的地方,从怀中取出旧灯,为了要证明这灯是否就是他所要的,他擦了一下。 妖怪立刻出来说道:「你要什么? 我预备服从你,正如你的奴隶一样,这灯在谁的手里,我──我和其它属于这灯的奴隶就是他的。」
翌日早上,当君主像往常一般的去探望阿拉丁的宫殿时,竟发现宫殿不见了。 首相奉召解说此事。 首相个人对阿拉丁本来就没有好感,所以故意说那所宫殿的房子是由巫术所建成的。 君主也相信是如此,所以派遣一队卫士捉拿阿拉丁,把他当作国家的要犯! 他出现在君主面前时,君主不愿听他的争辩,祇下令把他处死。 这使人民对君主非常气愤,君主害怕发生暴动,只好答应赦免他的性命,允许他说话。

