

Then Ali, seeing where that arrow had flown, pulled his bow with all his might, and his arrow flew
still farther. Last came Ahmed, who drew his bow. Away sped the arrow, far, far away. They looked for it, but could not find it. And so, in spite of all Ahmed could say, the Sultan
gave the Princess to Ali, and there was a great wedding.

Prince Houssain would not stay to the wedding. He got on his carpet and went off to a far country, and sat by himself and thought. Prince Ahmed, also, was too sad to stay at court. He left before the wedding, and as he was very curious to know what had become of his arrow, he went in search of it.

He went to the spot
where he had shot his arrow, and then walked on and on; he looked on one side and the other, but he did not see it, but still went on. At last he came to a steep pile of rocks, and there, at the foot of the rocks, was the arrow. He was amazed. He knew he could not have shot so far, that no man could, but there it was.

As he stood in front of the rock, he saw an iron door. He pushed it then it
opened. Before him stood a lady with the air of a queen. She came forward and said: "Welcome, Prince Ahmed. I have been waiting for you.
阿里望着箭的去处,于是用尽他所有的力气把弓拉得很满,他的箭射得更加远。 最后轮到阿米德,他拉满着弓。 C 箭飞射出去非常的遥远。 C 他们都去找那支箭,但是无论怎样都找不到! C 所以不论阿米德如何说,君王还是把公主嫁给阿里,并举行了一个盛大的婚礼。

C 哈森王子不愿留下观礼。 就坐在毯子上往远处的国家去了,他坐靠着毯子独自沉思。 阿米德王子也很哀伤,不愿住在宫中。 便在婚礼前走了。他为了搜寻箭的去向究竟如何,觉得非要知道不可,所以就出发去找寻。
他走到射箭的地方,然后往前继续前进。看了这边再看那边,虽然找不到,不过依然没有停下脚步。 之后来到一处堆积险峻大石的地方,原来箭就在大石之下。 他非常惊奇。 知道自己绝不可能射得这么远,而且这是任何人都不能够的,但箭竟在这儿!

C 当他站在岩石前面时,发现了一扇铁门。 他推了它一下,门就开了。 面前站着一位有如皇后般的女子。 她上前说道:「欢迎!阿米德王子。

