"I am a stranger," answered the Prince, "and, having heard much of the Lord Mobarec's genero sity, am come to lodge with him." The slave went to tell his master of the stranger's presence, and soon returned to bid the Prince welcome. Zeyn went in, crossed a large court, and entered a hall richly furnished, where Mobarec received him with great courtesy, returning thanks for the honor Zeyn did him in lodging at his house. The Prince, having answered his compliment, said, "I am the son of the late Sultan of Bussorah, and my name is Zeyn Alasnam." "The Sultan," said Mobarec, "was formerly my master, but, my lord, I never know of any children that he had; what is your age?" "I am twenty years old," answered the Sultan, "how long is it since you left my father's court?" "Almost two-and -twenty years," replied Mobarec, "but how can you convince me that you are his son?" "My father," replied Zeyn, "had beneath his closet an underground room, where I have found forty urns full of gold." "And what more is there?" said Mobarec. | 「我是个异乡人,」王子答道:「久闻莫比雷克老爷的慷慨,所以特来投靠。」 奴仆进去告诉他的主人有陌生客人来访。没多久就出来欢迎这位王子。 济恩走进去,穿过一个大庭院,走入陈设富丽堂皇的大厅,莫比雷克在这里非常客气地欢迎他,并谢谢他这样远道来拜访。 王子响应他的赞誉之后,说道:「我是已故巴沙罗君主的儿子,名叫济恩。」 「君主!」莫比雷克说:「他从前是我的主人,但是,小主人!我从未知道他有过子女;你几岁了?」 「我二十岁了!」王子回答道:「你离开我的父亲有几年了呢?」 「差不多有二十二年了!」莫比雷克答道:「但是你如何使我相信你是他的儿子呢?」 「我的父亲!」济恩答道:「在他私人的小房间底下有个地下室,在那儿我发现了满藏黄金的四十个缸。」 「还有些什么?」莫比雷克说。 |