

They presented themselves at the door with a low bow, and Morgiana was bidden to enter and sh
ow Cogia Houssain how well she danced. This, he knew, would interrupt him in carrying out his wicked purpose, but he had to make the best of it, and seem pleased with Morgiana's dancing. She was indeed a good dancer, a
nd on this occasion outdid herself in graceful and surprising motions. At last, she took the tabor from Abdalla's hand, and held it out like those who dance for money.

Ali Baba put a piece of gold in
to it, and so did his son. When Cogia Houssain saw that she was coming to him, he pulled out his purse from his bosom to make her a present, but while he was putting his hand into it, Morgiana, with courage worthy of herself, plunged th
e poniard into his heart.

"Unhappy woman!" exclaimed Ali Baba, "what have you done to ruin me and my family?"

"It was to preserve, not to ruin you," answered Morgiana. Then she showed the dagger in Cogia Houssain's garment.

Ali Baba embraced her, and said, "Morgiana, I gave you your liberty before, and promised you more in time; now I would make you my daughter-in -law.
而后她们自己出现在门口,深深地一鞠躬,马姬娜便被命令进来,表演给哥奇亚颂森观赏她舞跳得多好。 他知道这会妨碍他进行恶毒的计谋,但他竭力忍受,对马姬娜的跳舞假装喜欢似的。 而她确实是个善舞者,在此时尽力表演着优雅和令人惊叹的动作。 最后,她由阿加拉手中取了手鼓,举起它,就像平常跳舞者向人要钱的样子。

C 阿里巴巴丢了一个金币,他儿子亦丢了一个。 C 哥奇亚颂森见她向他走来时,就从怀中取出钱袋,想给她礼物,但当他伸手摸取之际,马姬娜鼓起勇气,将短剑刺入了他的心窝。
C 「不祥的女人!」阿里巴巴嚷道:「你这次的行动会毁灭我和我的家人的!」

C 「这是维护而不是毁灭啊!」马姬娜回答道。 C 于是指出哥奇亚颂森衣服之内的刺刀。
C 阿里巴巴拥抱着她,说道:「马姬娜!我之前已给你自由了,也承诺将来要给更多的报偿,现在我要你作我的儿媳妇。

文章标签:双语阅读  十大  
