

The Story of Ali Cogia Merchant of Baghdad

In the reign of the Caliph Haroun al Raschid there lived at Bagdad a merchant who was neither rich nor poor, but lived with comfort in the house that had been his father's. For three successive nights, he had a strange dream,
which gave cause to the events of this story. An old man appeared to him, and with a severe look reprocahed him for not having made a pilgrimage to Mecca. The vision, seen three times, gave him much trouble.

This was the plan which, upon careful thought, he adopted: he took a good large jar and put the thousand pieces of gold into it, and covered them over with olives. When he had closed the mouth of the jar,
he carried it to a merchant, one of his best friends, and said to him: "You know, brother, that in a few days I mean to depart with the caravan on my pilgrimage to Mecca. I beg the favor of you to take charge of a jar of olives,
and keep it for me till I return."

The merchant promised to do this, and in the kindest manner said: "Here, take the key of my warehouse and set your jar where you please. You shall find it there
when you return."
回教国王哈利发.拉西德执政时期,在巴格达这地方住着一个家境小康的商人,他舒服地住在父亲遗留下来的房子里。 有一次,接连三夜都做了奇怪的梦,这梦便成了本故事的由来。 C 他在梦里见到一位老人,疾言厉色地责备他不到麦加圣地去朝圣。 连梦三次这样的幻象,给了他不少苦恼。 后来便决定一行。经过仔细考虑之后,他决定采取以下所记述的策略:他取了一个大瓶子,把一千个金币放在瓶中,上面盖着橄榄。 封盖后,拿给一个商人,这商人是他的好友之一,并对他说:「你知道,老兄弟!数日内我要离开这里,和旅行队到麦加去朝圣。 我请你帮个忙,代为保管这个装着橄榄的瓶子,一直保管到我回来为止。」
商人答应代为保管,非常和善的说:「喂!你把仓库的钥匙拿去,随你高兴把瓶子随便安放。 回来时,自己可在原处找着你的东西。」

