

The Pilgrim stayed a short time in the room and then went away. Each day he vi
sited the Princess, and each day she grew a little better. The Sultan thought nothing too good for the Pilgrim.

At last the Pilgrim said to the Sultan: "Only one thing remains to complete the cure
of the Princess. She came here on the Enchanted Horse. Now the charm of the horse has passed over into the Princess, and we must rid her of it in the presence of the horse. I have a strange incense
which I will burn, and that will dispel the last remnant of disease. Let the Enchanted Horse be brought tomorrow into the great court of the city, and let the Princess, clad in her most costlyraiment, stand by the side of the horse."

The Sultan bade his servants do as the Pilgrim gave orders, and all the people in the city were met to see the strange cure of the Princess. As they all stood watching, the Pilgrim lighted the incen
se, and a great smoke arose, which shut out the Enchanted Horse, the Princess, and the Pilgrim.

After a little while, the smoke cleared away. There on the ground lay the dress of a. Pilgrim, high u
p in the air was the Enchanted Horse, and on it the Princess and a Prince. The head of the horse was turned towards Persia.
游客在房内站了些时候便走了。 而他每天都去探访公主,她亦每天好一些儿。 君王因此对游客感激不已。
之后游客对君王说:「要使公主的病完全康复,现在还剩下一项工作没做。 她骑魔马来此。 而马的妖气如今已直接侵入公主体内,所以我们要在马的面前驱走那些妖气。 我有一种奇妙的香粉要燃烧,它能因此驱散剩余的病况。 明天请把魔马带至宫中的广场上,让公主穿著最高贵的衣服站在马的旁边。」
于是君王命令他的仆役们依照游客的吩咐而行,在城里所有的人,都来看诊治公主的奇特方法。 他们站在一旁观看时,游客点着了香粉,一阵阵很大的烟雾就升起来了,把魔马、公主和游客都因此遮蔽了。

过了一会儿烟雾散了。 地上只剩下游客的衣服,而高高的天空中,公主和王子就骑在魔马上。 并把马头朝向波斯。

