To be sure, no one had ever known how to find it; perhaps no one had ever even looked for it. But it cast an enchantment over that house. My home was hiding a secret in the depths of its heart...... "Yes," I said to the little prince. "The house, the stars, the desert......what gives them their beauty is something that is invisible!" "I am glad," he said, "that you agree with my fox." As the little prince dropped off to sleep, I took him in my arms and set out walking once more. I felt deeply moved, and stirred. It seemed to me that I was carrying a very fragile treasure. It seemed to me, even, that there was nothing more fragile on a ll the Earth. In the moonlight I looked at his pale forehead, his closed eyes, his locks of hair that trembled in the wind, and I said to myself: "What I see here is nothing but a shell. What is most important is inv isible......" As his lips opened slightly with the suspicion of a half-smile, I said to myself, again: "What moves me so deeply, about this little prince who is sleeping here, is his loyalty to a flower......the image of a rose that shines through his whole being like the flame of a lamp, even when he is asleep......" | 不过,从来没有人知道寻宝的方法,甚至不曾有人找过它。 可是这幢古屋早已蒙上一层神秘的面纱; 而在我家最深处也埋藏着一项不为人知的秘密...... "是的,"我对小王子说: "古屋、星星和沙漠......赋予它们美丽,而且是隐藏深处,无法透视的东西。" "我非常高兴,"他说:"你和我的狐狸朋友的理念一致。" 小王子睡着之后,我把他轻拥在怀里,并继续走着。 我内心感动不已。 仿佛我抱着一件脆弱易碎的宝贝。 而且这世上再也找不到比他更为脆弱的东西。 月光之下,我凝视他那苍白的额头、紧闭的眼眸,以及那随风飘扬的鬈发。我告诉我自己:"我眼前所见的不过是一个躯壳而已。 最重要的东西是瞧不见的......" 当他的唇边泛着浅浅的微笑时,我又告诉我自己:"这个熟睡的小王子最叫我感动的地方是,他对一朵玫瑰的感情......甚至他睡着了,那朵玫瑰花的影子,仍像灯火的光芒照亮他的生命......" |