I pointed out to the little prince that baobabs were not little bushes, but, on the contrary, t rees as big as castles; and that even if he took a whole herd of elephants away with him, the herd would not eat up one single baobab. The idea of the herd of elephants made the little prince laugh. "We would have to put them one on top of the other," he said. But he made a wise comment: "Before they grow so big, the baobabs start out by being little." "That is strictly correct," I said. "But why do you want the sheep to eat the little baobabs?" He answered me at once, "Oh, come, come!", as if he were speaking of something that was s elf-evident. And I was obliged to make a great mental effort to solve this problem, without any assistance. Indeed, as I learned, there were on the planet where the little prince lived......as on all planets......good plants and bad plants. In consequence, there were good seeds from good plants, and bad seeds from bad plants. | 我明确地告诉小王子,巴尔巴巨树并非小灌木,而是像城堡般的大树,就算他带一群大象回去,恐怕也吃不完一棵巴尔巴巨树。 而成群大象的主意使得小王子开心不已。 "我们可得把它们一只一只叠起来。"他说。 随即他又做了一个聪明结论:"巴尔巴巨树还未长成大树之前,也不过是一株小树苗而已。" "话是没错,"我问: "可是你为什么要绵羊吃巴尔巴巨树呢?" 他毫不迟疑地说:"哦!就是这样了。"仿佛他所说的是一件可想而知的事。 于是我在没有任何提示的情况之下,只得费尽心思来解开这个疑问。 是的,据我了解,小王子所居住的小行星上......也和其他的行星一般......植物也有好与坏之分。 因此,好的植物有好的种子,坏的植物则是坏种子。 而成群大象的主意使得小王子开心不已。 "我们可得把它们一只一只叠起来。"他说。 随即他又做了一个聪明结论:"巴尔巴巨树还未长成大树之前,也不过是一株小树苗而已。" "话是没错,"我问: "可是你为什么要绵羊吃巴尔巴巨树呢?" 他毫不迟疑地说:"哦!就是这样了。"仿佛他所说的是一件可想而知的事。 于是我在没有任何提示的情况之下,只得费尽心思来解开这个疑问。 是的,据我了解,小王子所居住的小行星上......也和其他的行星一般......植物也有好与坏之分。 因此,好的植物有好的种子,坏的植物则是坏种子。 |