

"The orders have not been changed," said the lamplighter. "That is the tragedy! From year to year the planet has turned more rapidly and the orders have not been changed!"

"Then what?" asked the little prince.
"Then......the planet now makes a complete turn every
minute, and I no longer have a single second for repose. Once every minute I have to light my lamp and put it out!"

"That is very funny! A day lasts only one minute, here where you live!"

"It is not funny at all!" said the lamplighter. "While we have been talking together a month has gone by."

"A month?"

"Yes, a month. Thirty minutes. Thirty days. Good evening."

And he lighted his lamp again.

As the little prince watched him, he felt that he loved this lamplighte
r who was so faithful to his orders. He remembered the sunsets which he himself had gone to seek, in other days, merely by pulling up his chair; and he wanted to help his friend.
"可是关键就是在这里! 这个行星的运转一年比一年还快,而命令却从未有所改变。"
"后来......如今这个行星几分钟就运转一周,使得我片刻也不得安宁了。 每一分钟,我都必须要点灯和熄灯各一次。" "那真有趣。
在你居住的地方,一天只有一分钟而已呢!" "才不好呢!"灯夫说:
"就在我们说话的时候,日子已经过了一个月了。" "一个月?"
三十分钟。 也就是说它是过了三十天。 晚安。"
小王子凝视着他,心里想着他自己已经喜欢上这个尽忠职守的灯夫了。 他回忆起追寻着落日的那一段日子,只消移动一下椅子就可以。于是他又想帮助这个朋友了。

