

"You understand���� It is too far. I cannot carry this
body with me. It is too heavy."

I said nothing.

"But it will be like an old abandoned shell. There is nothing sad about old shells����" I said nothing.

He was a little discouraged. But he made one more effort: "You know, it will be very nice.
I, too, shall look at the stars. All the stars will be wells with a rusty pulley. All the stars will pour out fresh water for me to drink����."

I said nothing.

"That will be so amusing! You will have five hundred million little bells, and I shall have five hundred million springs of fresh water����."

And he too said nothing more, because he was crying����.

"Here it is. Let me go on by myself."

And he sat down, because he was afraid.
Then he said, again: "You know����my flower���� I am responsible for her. And she is so weak! She is so na?ve! She has four thorns, of no use at all, to protect herself against all the world����."
"你知道...... 路途太遥远了。 我的身躯太沉重了,带不走它......" 它太沉重了。 我依旧沉默不语。
"但它只不过是一具被丢弃了的旧躯壳。 一具旧躯壳是没什么可以伤心的。" 我还是沉默不语。
他有些泄气。 不过他还是再试着开口:"你知道,一切都会很好。
我也会抬头看星星。 每一颗星星都有一口井,井上头有一个生锈的滑轮。 每一颗星星也会为我沁出甘醇的井水给我止渴......" 我仍然沉默不语。
"多有趣啊! 你将拥有五亿个铃铛,我也能拥有五亿道清流......" 说着,他已泣不成声了。
"就在这里了。 让我一个人过去吧!" 他却坐下来,因为心里恐惧。
我要忠于它。 它是那么的脆弱。 那么的纯真。 它也只有四根无用的刺可以自卫、抵御这个世界......"

