

A Talk Between Don Quixote and Sancho

Sancho Asks for His Island

Sancho had watched the fight between his master and the squire with great interest. His mind was full of his master's prom
ise. So now he went to him, knelt, and looked up at his master's face. "What do you want, Sancho?" asked Don Quixote.

Sancho held one of the knight's hands and said, "Make me governo
r of the island that you have won in this fight. It may be big, but I will rule it as well and wisely as any governor of any island anywhere."

Don Quixote answered very seriously, "Brother Sancho, you
must understand this adventure. It was only an accidental meeting on the road. For adventures like this the only reward is a broken head or a lost ear. Be patient; we shall soon have adventures that
will give you islands and even better things."

The squire thanked his master, and they continued on their way.
桑科兴致勃勃地看完他主人和那个随从间的拚斗。 他满心记挂着主人对他的承诺。 于是,他走向他跪了下来,并仰望着他主人的脸庞。 「你要什么,桑科?」唐吉诃德问道。
桑科握住武士的一只手,说:「请任命我担任这一场战役赢来的海岛的总督吧! 海岛可能很大,但我会以完善、精明的方法来治理,就像世界上任何海岛的总督一样好。」
唐吉诃德非常庄重地答道:「桑科老弟,你一定要明白这次的冒险。 这只不过是旅途中一个意外的照面。 像这种冒险的唯一代价,就是打破头或丢个耳朵。 不要着急,咱们很快就会遭遇一些冒险,它将带给你许多海岛,甚至更好的东西。」

