The Adventure with the Lion Don Quixote Meets the Lion Soon Don Quixote and his squire left the wood where they met the Knight of the Mirrors. They were riding along the road looking for new adventu res. Then they saw, coming towards them, a cart pulled by mules. There were two men, one of whom was riding on a mule. The other was sitting on the front of the cart. "Stop!" cried Don Quixote, "and say what you are carrying in that cart." "Sir," answered the driver, "in my cart I have a lion. It is a present for the king of Spain from the leader of the army in Africa." "Is it big, this lion?" asked Don Quixote. "It is the biggest that has ever come from Africa," replied the man on the cart. "Please let us pass. The animal is hungry. It has eaten nothing today. I wish to reach a place where I can get meat for it." | 15和狮子的一场历险。 唐吉诃德碰上了狮子。 没多久,唐吉诃德就和他的随从离开了遇见明镜武士的树林。 他们乘着座骑,沿着马路而行,寻找新的冒险行动。 这时他们看到迎面过来一辆骡车。 有两个男人,其中一个骑在骡子上。 另外一个坐在车子前面。 「停住!」唐吉诃德叫道:「说!你们在那辆车子里带了些什么?」 「先生!」赶车的人说:「在我的车里有一头狮子。 这是非洲军队的首领送给西班牙国王的礼物。」 「这头狮子很大吗?」唐吉诃德问道。 「这是从非洲来的最大的一头,」车上的男人回答说。 「请让我们过去吧! 这只动物很饿了。 今天它什么也没吃。 我希望到一个地方能找点肉给它。」 |