

He decided to answer the fallen knight by beating him. He pulled the lance from Don
Quixote's hands and broke it into two halves. He took one half, and began to give the poor knight great blows. Even with his armour to protect him, his body was black and blue all over.

The mule-driver did this until both halves of the lance were completely broken. But nothing could stop the brave knight from speaking. He continued shouting wildly at the robbers��as he now thought they were.

At last, the mule-driver was tired, and they all rode away. They left the unluckyknight on the ground. When they had gone, he tried again to rise. He failed, but his heart
was not sad. In his imagination he was a brave knight, lying hurt after a great battle.

Don Quixote Returns Home

Two days had now p
assed since Don Quixote had left his home. His niece and his servant were becoming very worried about him. They knew he wished to be a knight-errant, and now they were afraid he had begun. On the even
ing of the second day, when he was beaten by the mule-driver, they went to Pero Perez, the village priest.
他决定揍这个摔在地上的武士一顿来作为答复。 他从唐吉诃德的手中抽开长矛,折成两截。 他手中拿着一截,开始给这位武士一顿狠揍。 即使有甲冑保护他,他全身还是被打得青一块、紫一块。
赶骡子的人一直打到两截长矛都完全损坏了。 但是说什么也没法子叫这位勇敢的武士不再说话。 他一直对这些强盗疯狂地大吼大叫--现在他认为他们是强盗了。
最后,那个赶骡子的人打累了,他们就骑着马离开。 他们把那位倒霉的武士扔在地上。 等他们走了以后,他又设法要站起来。 然而还是没能起得来,但是他的内心并不悲伤。 在他的幻想中,他是一名勇敢的武士,经过一场大战后受伤的躺在那儿。
自从唐吉诃德离家出走已经两天了。 他的侄女和女仆都为他十分担心。 她们知道他想当游侠,而此时,她们担心他已经开始去实行了。 第二天傍晚,就是他被赶骡子的人揍的时候,她们去找村里的牧师比罗.培瑞司。
