

The cries of the sheep, the dogs and the drivers now filled the air. These sounds e
xcited the knight's imagination more and more. He described the two armies of the East and West. Those from Africa, Arabia, Carthage and Persia were on one side; those from every country in Europe were on the other.

Sancho listened with his mouth hanging open. Suddenly the wind came and blew the dust to one side. The two "armies" of sheep could then be seen. The drivers were busy t
rying to keep them separate.

"Look, sir," said Sancho, when his master stopped talking for a minute, "I can see neither soldiers, nor knights nor giants. There is some magic here, as there was at the

Don Quixote Rides Into Battle

"What?" answered Don Quixote. "Can you not hear the noise of battle? Go and hi
de yourself, poor coward. My arm alone is enough to win the battle for my side." Saying this, he rode wildly down the hill, shouting in a voice like thunder, "Follow me, all you knights who fight for the brave King Pen
tapolin! See me beat his enemy, Alifanfaron of Taprobana." Rushing in among the sheep, he began striking with his lance in all directions.
现在,羊、狗、赶羊人呼喝嘶叫的声音充塞在空中。 这些声响越发刺激了武士的想象力。 他描述东方和西方两军。 那些从非洲、阿拉伯、迦太基和波斯来的是一方,而那些来自欧洲各国的是另一方。
桑科嘴巴张得大大地听着。 突然,风吹过来,把烟尘刮过一边。 接着,这两队羊群「大军」就显露出来了。 赶羊的人正忙着把它们分开。
「看哪!先生,」桑科趁着他主人暂停讲话的时候说道:「我既看不见兵卒,也看不见武士,也看不见巨人。 这儿有魔法,就像在客栈一样。」
「什么?」唐吉诃德答道。 「你听不到战斗的喧嚣吗? 走开,把自己藏起来吧!可怜的胆小鬼。 我一只胳臂就足够赢得这场战争。」
这么说着,他疯狂地骑马跑下山丘,以像雷一般的声音吼道:「跟我来吧!所有为勇敢的本塔波林大帝作战的武士! 看我痛击他的敌人,塔普罗巴拿的阿力芳发伦!」 他冲到羊堆里去,开始用长矛向四面八方捅刺。
