

The Cruel Farmer

After leaving the inn, Don Quixote decided to go home to get some money. He wished also to find a squire before he looked for more adventures. It was now day, and Don Quixote could see a small wood.

Suddenly he heard cries for help. "Praise to God!" he said to himself. "Here is my chance to do my duty as a knigh
t." He went into the wood, and there he saw something that filled him with anger. A boy, about fifteen years old, was tied to a tree. It was this boy who was crying so loudly for help. A big man, a farmer perhaps, was beating him cruelly. A horse was tied to a tree not far way, and there was a long lance by the same tree.

Don Quixote saw what was happening, and rode towards them, c
rying, "Wicked Knight! Why do you act so cruelly? Get your horse, and take your lance. I will teach you not to behave like this towards people who are weak and helpless."
离开了客栈以后,唐吉诃德决定回家去拿些钱。 在他寻求更多的冒险之前,他也希望能找到一名随从。 这时天已亮了,唐吉诃德看到一丛小树林。
突然,他听到求救的呼喊。 「赞美主!」他对自己说道:。 「这里有机会让我尽武士的职责了。」 他走进树林中,看到了一幅景象,使他满腔怒火。 一个男孩,大约有十五岁,被绑在一棵树上。 就是这个男孩在大声呼喊求救。 而一个大块头的人,大概是农夫,正在残忍地打他。 不远处一棵树上系着一匹马,就在那棵树旁有一支长矛。
唐吉诃德目睹这一切,骑马朝他们走去,叫道:「邪恶的武士! 你为什么做这么残忍的事? 上你的马,拿你的长矛吧! 我要来教训你不得如此对待弱小无助的人。」
