"The black clouds that filled my head, because of those wicked books of chivalry, have gone. Yes, I see now that those books are full of foolishness and lies. I am sorry that my eyes have been opened too late. Niece, I feel that I am going to die. I do not wish people to say th at I died in madness. Go, call my good friends the priest, Samson Carrasco and Nicholas, the barber. I wish to confess and make my will." The young lady went out to obey her uncle , and soon came back with the three friends. Don Quixote looked at them with happiness and said, "Dear friends, I have good news for you. I am no longer Don Quixote de la Mancha, but Alonso Quijano. Now I hate all those stories of chivalry; I see how foolish I have been, and how dangerous it was to read these books. Because of God's kindness I have understood this, but at a heavy price." At fir st his friends did not believe that his madness had left him. But because he spoke so calmly they saw that it had really happened. The priest stayed alone with Don Quixote and heard him confess. Sa mson Carrasco went to call a lawyer. Sancho had met him on the way and came back with him. He then saw the two women in tears and began to cry, too. | 「那些邪恶的武士小说带给我一脑袋乌云黑雾,现在都消失了。 是的,我现在认清那些书籍全是愚蠢和谎言。 我很难过我的眼睛睁开得太迟。 侄女!我觉得我就要死去了。 我不希望人们说我是死于疯痴。 去吧!叫我那些好朋友──牧师、萨姆逊.卡拉斯科和那个理发匠尼可拉斯来。 我想忏悔,并且立下遗嘱。」 年轻的小姐遵从她叔叔的话出去,很快就和三位朋友一起回来了。 唐吉诃德以愉快的眼光望着他们,说道:「各位亲爱的朋友,我有好消息要告诉你们。 我不再是拉兰却之唐吉诃德,而是阿朗索.奎亚诺了。 现在我憎恨所有的武士小说,我认清以往自己有多么愚蠢!以及阅读这些书籍有多么危险! 因为上帝的仁慈,我明白了这点,但却付出了很沉重的代价。」 起初,他的朋友都不相信他的疯痴已经脱离他。 但是因为他说起话来这么冷静,他们看出这是真的了。 牧师单独留下来陪唐吉诃德,听他忏悔。 萨姆逊.卡拉斯科出去请律师。 桑科在路上碰见他,就和他一起回来。 接着他看到那两个满脸是泪的女人,于是他也开始哭了起来。 |