

Don Quixote stood thinking for a few minutes, then he said softly, with a gentle smile, "A lio
n? Is my enemy the magician sending a lion against me now? Well, they will soon see how much I care for a lion." Then, turning to the man, he said, "Let the lion out of its cage. I will teach it who Don Quixote de la Mancha is."

Everyone Is Afraid

The driver could see that Don Quixote held a lance and a sword. He said, "Please, sir, give me time to unfasten my mules, and take them away. If the lion kills my mules, I cannot do my work."

"Fool!" answered Don Quixote. "Take your mules awa
y if you wish. You will soon see that your fears are unnecessary."

Sancho now came to his master and asked him not to fight the lion. "I have looked into the cage through a small
hole. I saw a foot, and I am sure the animal is as big as a mountain."

"You are so afraid, Sancho," said Don Quixote, "that a lion seems as big as the world to you. Go to a safe d
istance. If I am killed, you know what you must do. Take the news to Dulcinea, and say��but you know what to say."
唐吉诃德站着想了一会儿,然后他轻轻地说话了,带着一种柔和的微笑:「一头狮子? 一定是我那个巫师对头现在又派一头狮子来对付我吧! 好,他们很快就可以知道我有多喜欢狮子了。」 然后。转向那个男人,他说:「让那头狮子走出它的槛笼吧! 我会教它知道拉兰却之唐吉诃德是何许人也。」
赶车的人看见唐吉诃德握着一支长矛和一柄剑。 他说:「拜托,先生!请给我一点时间把骡子解开,带它们离开。 假如狮子咬我的骡子,我就无法工作了。」

「笨蛋!」唐吉诃德答道。 「假如你要的话就把骡子带走。 你很快就会知道你的恐惧是多余的。」
这时桑科走向他的主人,求他不要和这头狮子作战。 「我从一个小洞往笼子里望。 看到一只脚,而我肯定那个动物一定大得像座山。」
「你太害怕了!桑科,」唐吉诃德说:「所以一头狮子对你来说就好象是全世界那么大。 闪到安全一点的地方去。 如果我被咬死,你知道你该做什么。 就是把这个消息传给达辛妮亚,并且说──你知道该说些什么吧。」
