Now some magician has carried it away." "What is this foolish t alk about blood and heads?" cried the inn-keeper angrily. "They are not heads but wine-skins, and the blood is my good red wine. This man is as mad as his master. They must pay for everything, even the cost of repairing the wine-skins." While the inn-keeper was talking in this way, the priest held Don Quixote's hands. The knight, still half asleep, thought it was the princess whom he had foug ht for. He knelt down, saying, "Now, great lady, you may enjoy your kingdom in peace. You have no more to fear from the wicked giant I have killed. I have kept my promise." Sancho Talks to Don Quixote Everybody laughed at the talk of the madman, and Don Quixote was put to bed again. He was soon asleep. Only Sancho was sad, for he could not hope how to have riches and a great kingdom. He went to his master's bedroom and began to complain, "You may sleep as long as you wish, sir. There is no giant to be killed, and the princess whom you saved was only a dream." "I know there is no giant," answered Don Quixote. "He is killed already. I cut off his head with one blow of my sword, a nd the blood ran like water." | 现在却有个巫师把头带走了。」 「胡说些什么血呀头呀的?」客栈老板生气地说道。 「那不是人头,是酒袋,血是我上好的红葡萄酒。 这个人也像他主人一样疯了。 他们必须赔偿一切,就连缝补酒袋的费用也要。」 客栈老板说着的时候,牧师握住唐吉诃德的双手。 这位武士仍旧昏昏欲睡着,以为牧师是他为之作战的公主。 他跪下来,说道:「现在,伟大的夫人,你可以安享贵国的和平了。 你再不必害怕那个我已经杀死的邪恶巨人。 我信守了我的承诺。」 桑科对唐吉诃德说话。 听了这疯子的话,每个人都大笑起来。唐吉诃德又被大家拉到床上去。 他很快就睡着了。 只有桑科很伤心,因为他现在没有希望可以得到财富和庞大的王国了。 他走向主人的寝室,开始抱怨说:「你可以爱睡多久就睡多久,先生。 没有巨人可杀,而你拯救的公主也只是一场梦。」 「我知道并没有巨人,」唐吉诃德答道。 「他已经被杀掉了。 我用长剑一下子就砍掉他的脑袋,而他的血流得像水一样。」 |