

As Orpheus grew older, his music became more and more wonderful. When he went
to the old place to play, all the animals and birds in the fields and in the forest gathered around him. Lions, bears, wolves, foxes, eagles, hawks, owls, squirrels, little field-mice, and many other kinds of creatures were in the audie
nce. Even the trees in the grove nearby tore themselves up by the roots, and came and stood in the circle around Orpheus, so that they could hear better. Their branches cast a pleasant shade over the other listeners, a
nd over Orpheus, as well, keeping off the hot rays of the afternoon sun.

The nymphs of the valley soon made friends with Orpheus, and when he had grown to be a man, one of them, whose name was Eurydice, became his wife.

One day, as Eurydice was runningcarelessly through the meadows, she stepped on the cobra that lived under the rock. Although the cobra was always gentle when under the influence of the magical music of
Orpheus, he was not so at other times. He turned, instantly, and bit Eurydice on the ankle.

Then Eurydice had to go down to the dark underworld, where Pluto was king, and Proserpine queen.
随着年岁的增长,奥普斯的琴艺愈发地精巧。 每当他来到老地方弹奏时,草原和森林中的飞禽走兽全部都围绕在他的周围。 狮子、熊、野狼、狐狸、老鹰、鹫,以及其它动物都是他的忠实听众。 甚至附近的树木为了听得更仔细,竟然连根拔起,跑了过来,在奥普斯的周围围成一圈。 它们的枝桠伸展到其它听众和奥普斯的上面,形成舒爽的树荫,好抵挡午后炎热的阳光。
有一天,尤莉提丝漫不经心地经过牧场时,踩到住在岩石下的毒蛇。 这条毒蛇只有在奥普斯如魔术般的音乐影响下是温驯的,但是其它时候却不然。 它立即转过头来,向尤莉提丝的脚踝咬了一口。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
