As she spoke the leaves spread over her face, and Dryope was completely hidden by the tree. To be shut up like this forever seems terrible, but no doubt Dryope soon began to feel like the nymphs who chose trees for their dwellings. When the sun came up each morning and shone on her le aves, she must have felt a comforting warmth. In midsummer, she must have been glad when the rain came dropping on her boughs. And how happy and proud must Dryope have felt in blossom time, when every one of her boughs hung heavy with white and purple flowers! Each day her little boy was carried to the river bank to talk with his mother in the lotus tree, and her branches would reach down and touch him with a caress. When he was no longer a baby, her son still came to the tree. Even when he grew up, he sat in its shade to rest and to tell his mother about his happiness, his troubles, and his victories. CLYTIE Sometimes the gods changed people into other forms out of kindness. There was the water nymph Clytie who once saw Apollo as, with his sister Diana, he went hunting thro ugh the forest. | 正当她说话的时候,树叶已长满她的脸上,德瑞欧琵全身都被这树遮盖了! 像这样地永被禁锢,似乎是一件可怕的事,不过我们可以确信,德瑞欧琵不久就会开始像那些以树木为栖身之所的山泽女神一般的有感觉。 每天清晨,旭日初升,阳光洒在她的树叶上,她一定会感到一阵舒畅的温馨; 盛夏的时节,骤雨突降,雨点落在她的枝干上,她也少不了会凉爽片刻; 花开时节,她的每一条枝干上都缀满了白色与紫色的花朵,这时候,德瑞欧琵又会感到无比的快乐和得意! 每天,她的小儿子都要被人带到这河边来,与他那忘忧树里的母亲说话,而她的树枝也常低垂下来爱抚孩子。 当她的儿子长大成人,仍然到这忘忧树边来。 即使他已经成年了,他还是坐在她母亲的树荫下休息,将他的快乐、烦恼以及他所获得的胜利向母亲诉说。 柯莱蒂 诸神有时候将人变成其它的形状,乃出乎慈悲心肠。 从前,有一个水泽女神柯莱蒂,她在阿波罗与他妹妹黛安娜狩猎经过森林的时候,见到了阿波罗。 |