

Apollo sprang into the chariot, amazed and delighted at its wonderful beauty.
Helios showed him the way he must go, and watched the sun rise in the sky and journey toward the west, glad indeed that Apollo was old enough to drive, so that he might give up traveling and rest.

That evening, whe
n Apollo had returned his horses to their stables and had hidden his chariot behind banks of purple clouds, he hurried back to his mother and his sister Diana and told them of Jupiter's gift and of his journey across the heavens.

When Diana heard of the honor that had fallen to her brother, she was proud but also a little envious.

"You have journeyed to the land of the Hyperboreans and visited many other places that I have not seen," sh
e said. "While I stayed with our mother and cheered her, you rode in your swan-drawn chariotwherever you wished, and now Jupiter gives you the chariot of the sun and four handsome horses to drive and gives nothing at all to me.

"Tomorrow before dawn, when you go to Mount Olympus, I am going with you. I shall remind Jupiter that I am your twin, and if you light the sky by day with the chariot of Helios, then I will ask him to let me
light the heavens with silver fire while you rest. "
她说:「你游历过北方的乐土,还去了很多我不曾见过的地方,我待在妈妈身边安慰她,博取她的欢心,而你呢? 却在这时候驾着你的天鹅车,喜欢去哪儿就去哪儿!现在,朱比特赐给你日车,还有四匹拉车的骏马,我却什么也没有!」
「明天黎明以前,当你去奥林匹斯山的时候,我要和你一块去。 且要提醒朱比特,我是你的孪生妹妹。还有,当你在白天用希略斯的车子光耀天际时;那么,我要请求他在你休憩的时候,让我以银白色的光辉照亮天空。」

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
