

He went quickly back to the ship with the news, and on his way succeeded in killing a fat buck, whic
h made a good supper for himself and his men. His followers began to think that they had not such a bad leader, after all.

When the supper was over, Ulysses told about the smoke he had seen. It was agreed that the whole company should be divided into two parts, half the men in each with a leader; that they should then draw lots; and that those to whom the lot fell should go to see what was to be found at the place where the smokehad
been seen.

So Ulysses counted off the men, of whom there were forty-four in all. Over twenty-two of them he set his friend Eurylochus; the other twenty-two he commanded himself. T
hen he and Eurylochus shook pebbles in a bronzehelmet, and the pebble of Eurylochus bounded from the helmet first. Eurylochus was willing to go, but the men he commanded thought themselves most cruelly used. They pr
eferred to stay near the ship and wait for Ulysses to bring them another fat buck.

Early the next morning, when Eurylochus and his twenty-two men reached the thicket, they found a glade in the midst of it. In the glade stood a beautiful palace, built of white marble blocks which were so highly polished that they shone in the morning sun like diamonds.
他一获得这个讯息,就急忙跑回船上去,而在途中他杀死了一只肥牡鹿。它成了他及部下晚餐中的佳肴。 随后他们开始认为:我们的国王毕竟不是那么坏!
晚餐完毕后,尤里西斯说出有关自己发现炊烟之事。 大家一致赞成把全部船员分成两组,各有半数人员与一个领队,接着两组抽签,抽中的那组人员去有炊烟的地方看看有什么?
因此尤里西斯点算士兵人数一共有四十四人。 而将其中二十二人交给他的朋友尤里洛卡斯领导,其余二十二人则由他自己指挥。 随后他与尤里洛卡斯摇晃放在钢盔中的小石子,结果是尤里洛卡斯的小石子先从钢盔跳出来。 于是尤里洛卡斯表示非常乐意去,然而他带领的士兵们却认为自己受到最残酷的待遇。 他们表示宁愿留在船的附近,等待尤里西斯再为他们带回一只肥牡鹿。
翌日清晨,尤里洛卡斯和二十二个部下,很快的到达那片树林,他们发觉那儿当中有块空地。 空地上有一座以白色大理石建造的豪华宫殿。那石砖由于磨得很光亮,所以,晒在阳光下宛若金钢石般闪闪发光。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
