

They would have killed her on the spot with their javelins, but it suddenly grew so dark that they c
ould see nothing, while a strong wind began to blow, and the great oak branches creaked overhead. Then, under cover of the darkness which she had called down, Circe struck the guards in turn with her wand, changing them from brave youn
g men into different kinds of wild beasts. Here, far away from home and friends, they were obliged to live in the king's forest, sleeping under bushes and eating roots and berries. The little purplewoodpecker beat h
is tattoo over their heads, but they did not know that this bird was really King Picus.

Not long after the time when King Picus and his guards met with such a sad misfortune in th
e oak forest, a ship sailed into the harbour near Circe's palace. In this ship were King Ulysses and his men��the same men who had let loose the winds which King AEolus had bound for them in a bag. Since the adventure with th
e bag of winds, they had met with some terrible hardships, and were reduced in number. They drew their galley up on the shore, and then lay down to sleep under the trees nearby; for they were exhausted with hard rowing in the hot sun.
他们立刻举起标枪要射杀她,天色却忽然转变成一片漆黑,什么也瞧不见!就在这时候,一阵强风吹来,大橡树的枝桠在头上吱嘎吱嘎地叫。 随后,奇儿丝隐藏在她唤来的黑暗中,依次用魔杖敲打护卫们,把他们由勇敢的年轻人变成各类的野兽。 他们无奈地,只好远离家乡与朋友,住在这里──国王的森林中,睡在灌木底下,食取树根及浆果。 紫色小啄木鸟在他们头上击打着归营的鼓声,可是他们并不知道这只鸟其实就是派克斯王。
2 当派克斯王和他的护卫在橡树林中遭遇如此悲惨的命运之后,没多久,有一艘船驶进奇儿丝宫殿附近的港口。
这艘船搭载着尤里西斯王和他的部下他们即是把依俄勒斯王所赠送的,装在袋子里的风解开来,并放走的那批人。 自从那次风袋的冒险之后,他们遇到多次恐怖的麻烦,人数随之减少。 他们把那艘船拉到岸边,然后横躺在附近的树丛下睡觉,因为他们在炎热的太阳底下划船实在划得精疲力竭了。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
