

One day, after Prometheus had been gone for some time, Mercury came to the cottage of Epimetheus,
leading by the hand a beautiful young woman, whose name was Pandora. She had a wreath of partly opened rosebuds on her head, a number of delicate gold chains twisted lightly around her neck, and wore a filmy veil which fell nearly to th
e hem of her tunic. Mercury presented her to Epimetheus, saying the gods had sent this gift that he might not be lonesome.

Pandora had such a lovely face that Epimetheus could not help believing that the
gods had sent her to him in good faith. So he paid no heed to the warning of Prometheus, but took Pandora into his cottage, and found that the days passed much more quickly and pleasantly when she was with him.

Soon, the gods sent Epimetheus another gift. This was a heavy box, which the satyrs brought to the cottage, with directions that it was not to be opened. Epimetheus let it stand in a corner of his cottage; for by
this time he had begun to think that the caution of Prometheus about receiving gifts from the gods was altogether unnecessary.
普罗米修斯离开家门之后的某一天,麦可瑞牵着一位名叫潘朵拉的美丽年轻女孩,来到艾庇米修斯的家。 她的头上戴着一顶用半开的玫瑰花蕾串成的花冠;几条精致的金项链轻巧地缠绕在颈子的四周;身上罩了一件几乎垂到衣服下摆的透明轻纱。 麦可瑞将她呈献给艾庇米修斯,而送上这份礼物的理由是为了不让他寂寞。
由于潘朵拉长得相当漂亮,艾庇米修斯不得不认为那是众神的好意才把她送给自己的。 于是竟不把普罗米修斯的警告放在心上,而将潘朵拉带进了自己的家,并觉得她和自己生活在一起时,日子过得特别快,也很快乐。
不久,众神又赠送艾庇米修斯另一份礼物。 那是一个很沉重的盒子。森林的神把这个曾被警告不能打开的盒子拿到他的家里来。 艾庇米修斯把它放在自家的角落里。因为此时,他认为普罗米修斯对于接受众神礼物所提出──的警告,如今已完全不需要了。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
