

It was all the fault of the little golden-pointed arrow. Since this tree was all th
at was left of Daphne, Apollo loved the tree, and said that it should be planted by the side of his temple. He made himself a crown from its evergreen leaves, which he always wore for Daphne's sake. This tree still gro
ws in Greece, and is called the Laurel of Apollo.
而这完全是那支金箭头惹的祸。 由于这棵树是戴芙妮遗留下来的,因此阿波罗很爱它,并且要将它移植到自己的宫殿旁边。 他亲自用那常绿叶编织成王冠,且为了戴芙妮而永远地戴着它。 那棵树目前依然生长在希腊,而人们叫它「阿波罗的月桂树」。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
