

King AEetes looked on at the ploughing in speechless wonder. This was somethin
g he had never seen before. He had supposed that if Jason were foolish enough to dare attempt such a task as this, the poor young man would be killed instantly.

But the dragon's teeth had not yet been
sown. "Now, we will see what happens," this wicked king said to himself, as he brought them out.

Jason took the teeth without a moment's hesitation, and sowed them in the furrows, then covered them dee
p. He had heard the story of Cadmus and the dragon's teeth, and only half believed it. But the teeth sprouted and grew now, just as they had in the time of Cadmus. First, a few steel spear-heads prick
ed up through the ground; then the soil all over the ploughed acre began to heave, and before Jason knew what had happened, there stood rows of warriors, all armed, and looking very fierce. Seeing Jason, the warriors all raised their sp
ears with a great cry, and would have attacked him had not Jason hurled a great stone in among them. Then each warrior thought he had been attacked by his brothers. So they all began to fight among themselves, and continued fi
ghting till every one was slain.
易特士惊讶而无言地注视着这个情况。 这是他从前不曾遇过的! 他想,如果杰逊蠢得敢冒这种危险,他就立刻杀掉这个可怜的年轻人。 不过,龙的牙齿还未播种, 「现在,让我看看将会发生什么事?」居心叵测的国王,一面喃喃自语,一面拿出龙齿。
杰逊毫不迟疑地收下那些牙齿,将它们种在畦地中,然后深深地埋在土里。 他以前听过凯得默斯与龙齿的故事,且半信半疑的。 然而,那牙齿目前却正如凯得默斯那时一样,发出芽来。 @订l 先从土里冒出数株铁制槍头,接着在整个犁过的土地陆续的出现了,杰逊还未搞清楚冒出来的东西是什么时,全副武装、面孔狰狞的几列武士已伫立在那里了! 当一看见杰逊,武土们都举起槍杆,大声吼叫,若不是杰逊在他们之间投掷大石头的话,他们早就攻击他了。 那时候,每一个武士们都以为受到自己兄弟的袭击, 因此,他们开始互相格斗,一直到全部被杀死为止。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
