

He did not go back to the pleasant valley in which he had grown up, but went to live on a lonely moun
tain, where he spent all his days in grieving for Eurydice.

The music that came from his lyre was so sad now that it would have broken any one's heart to hear it. When the wind blew from the north, the
people who lived at the foot of the mountain could faintly hear the mournful, wailing sound of the lyre. It came down the mountain to them, almost every day, for seven months, and then the north wind did not bring them those strains an
y more. Some said that Orpheus had been killed by lightning, and others that he had been torn in pieces by the Menads, certain wild, half-crazed women who wandered over that mountain; but no one ever knew what really did become of him.

His lyre floated down the river Hebrus, and then out to sea, sending out sweet sounds as it went, with the rise and fall of the water. One day, when the waves ran high, it was cast up on the shore at the
island of Lesbos. There it remained till it was all overgrown with vines and flowers, and half-buried under falling leaves. The nightingales were said to sing more sweetly on that island than in any other place.

此后他从竖琴弹奏出来的曲子都非常悲伤,任何人听到都会柔肠寸断。 北风吹来时,住在那山麓的人家可以隐约地听见竖琴凄凉哀恸的音乐。 有七个月之久,几乎每天那乐曲会从山上传到他们的地方,接着北风不再为他们带来那样的乐曲。 最后有人说奥普斯被闪电劈死了;有人说他被一群叫做「米纳德」流浪在山头、粗野、半疯狂的女人们撕成碎片,然而没有人知道他究竟变成什么样子?
他的竖琴随着溪水飘流下来,并且不断放出优美的声音,而由海里斯河流向大海。 某天,浪卷得很高,把它上利斯伯斯岛的岸上。 于是,它就遗留在那里,直到长满蔓草及花儿,而被掩埋在落叶下。 夜莺在那座岛上,唱着比在其它地方还要动听的歌曲。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
