

Evidently only one guest was expected, for there was but one chair and one cover. P
syche, half afraid, seated herself in the chair, and the fairies of the palace, or the nymphs, or whatever beings the voices belonged to, came and waited on her, but not one of them could be seen. She enjoyed a most appetizing repast. After the last dish had been whisked away by invisible hands, she heard music��a chorus of singing voices, and then a single voice, accompanied by a lyre, which seemed to play of itself.

As the light fade
d away, and night came, Psyche began to tremble, for she feared that the owner of the palace might prove to be the wingedmonster of the oracle, and that he would come to claim her. There were no locks nor bolts, and the doors and windo
ws stood wide open, as if no thief, nor evil creature of any kind, had ever lived.

When it had grown perfectly dark, so dark that she could not see her own hand, Psyche heard the sound of wings, and then footsteps comin
g down the great hall. The footsteps came lightly and quickly to the low seat where she was sitting, and then a voice which was sweet and musical said to her: "Beautiful Psyche, this palace and all it holds is yours, if you will consent
to live here and be my wife.
因为只有一把椅子及一人份的餐具,显然地,这只是等候一个客人而已! 莎姬心中惶恐不安地坐上椅子,不管声音是发自宫殿的仙子或女神还是什么东西;总之他们是来伺候她的,不过却看不见他们! 她吃得津津有味。 最后一个盘子被无形的手收走后,她听到音乐──合唱团的歌声,接着像是由竖琴伴奏的独唱声。
天色逐渐暗淡下来,黑夜来临了,莎姬开始颤抖起来,因为她担心这座宫殿的主人就是那个神谕所指的有翅膀的怪物,而且那怪物将来会要她的。 没有锁孔也没门闩,大门和窗户都完全地敞开着,仿佛没有小偷,也没有宵小之徒留在这里似的。

天色完全暗下来,伸手不见五指,此时莎姬听见翅膀挥动的声音,跟着是脚步声。 那足声轻悄悄地,而且很快地传到她坐的低矮的座位,然后有一道甜美悦耳的声音对她说:「美丽的莎姬啊!如果妳同意住在这里并做我的妻子,这座宫殿的所有一切就都属于你的。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
