

The next day, the Argo reached the Symplegades, which rose up out of the sea like two strong tow
ers. Jason, following the advice of King Phineus, took the swiftest of his doves, and sent it through between them. The huge rocks came together with a roar like thunder, then began to move slowly back to their places. Quick, the Argo shot through. But before her rudder was quite clear of the rocks, it was caught between them, as they crashed together again, and was crushed to atoms. The heroes all shuddered at their
narrow escape, and rowed the ship away from those cruel rocks as quickly as they could.

When all danger was over, Jason thought with pity of the hard fate of the dove. Just then, the gentle bird came
fluttering down from the blue sky, and lit on his shoulder, cooing and turning and spreading out its tail, as happy as if it knew that it had saved the Argo's crew. Its white wings had been too swift for the rocks.

After this, the Symplegades never crushed any more ships; for they had come together with such great force that they could not separate themselves again, but became one rock.
翌日,「阿格号」到达有如两个坚固的塔一般矗立在海上的「怪二子岩」。 杰逊依照菲尼亚斯王的建议,由他的鸽子中选出飞得最快的一只,释放了它,让它飞过岩石之间。 那两个巨石轰隆般的咆哮地聚拢起来,接着,又开始缓慢地重回原来的位置。 「阿格号」有如箭一般飞快地全速行驶通过。 但是,船舵在快要完全离开岩石时,被夹在再度会合的岩石当中,而被捣得粉碎如灰尘般。 英雄们一想到自己在千钧一发中逃出来,仍心有余悸,于是竭尽全力,把船划离那令人战栗的岩石堆。
所有的危险都过去之后,杰逊想到那只鸽子悲惨的命运,不禁悲从中来! 就在那时候,那只温和的小鸟从蔚蓝的天空振翅俯下,在他的肩膀上停留似乎知道它救了「阿格号」的船员,而高兴地叫着,绕着圈圈飞翔,并把尾巴张得很开。 那对白色的翅膀对那些岩石来说真是太快了。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
