

When it was finished, he took the yoke from the bulls' necks, and let them go free.

Now it was Jason's turn. The two bulls had begun grazing in the farther end of the field. As Jason approached them, they lifted their heads and snorted, sending a shower of gleaming sparks flying from
their nostrils. Then they began to bellowfuriously, and to paw up the earth with their brass hoofs. The grass all around them took fire.

The people of Colchis were astonished to see
that Jason dared to go near such creatures, but they did not know how he was protected. The truth is, he was covered from head to foot with the oil or ointment made from a magic herb, which Medea had given him; and although the flying
sparks might hit him, they could not set him on fire. So he walked coolly up to the enraged animals, and put the yoke on their necks.

The rage of the bulls cooled when they saw that Jason was not afrai
d, and they allowed him to hitch them to the plough. So he ploughed his acre according to the agreement, and made his furrows as straight and deep as that of AEetes. If, when driven by the hand of a stranger, the bulls
did breathe out a few sparks now and then, that was no more than was to be expected even though the whole acre was left smoking.
这次轮到杰逊了。 那两头牡牛已在田地的尽头处吃草。 当杰逊靠近它们时,都昂首以待,鼻息猛喘哮着,而且从它们的鼻孔喷出如雨般的闪耀火花。 接着它们开始咆哮起来,用黄铜制的蹄刨着土。 致使它们四周的草全部燃烧起来了。
可吉斯的人民看见杰逊勇敢地靠近那样的动物,既惊讶又佩服!可是,他们不明白他是如何保护自己的? 事实上,他从头到脚涂满了米蒂娅送给他的魔法药草制成的油膏,所以尽管迸裂的火花喷到他身上,也不会烧到他。 于是他神情自若地向那些愤怒的动物所处的方向走过去,把轭套在它们的脖子上。
牡牛在发现杰逊并不畏惧时,怒气便逐渐消失了,并且任由他把犁加在它们的身上。 他照约定犁出一条由他负责的畦地,此畦地与易特士所犁出来的一样,既直且深。 如果这些牡牛被陌生人的手驱使时,会不时地喷出火花,即使那些田地还冒着烟,那也不是他所期望的。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
