

It was Minerva who had sent the little shellfish to those coasts; and, although she never allowed her
self to be seen, she often stood behind the girl and guided her shuttle.

But Arachne, never having seen the goddess, thought she owed everything to herself alone, and began to boast of her skill. One d
ay she said: "It has been said that I can weave quite as well, if not better, than the goddess, Minerva. I should like to have a weaving match with her, and then it would be seen which could do best."

These wi
cked words had hardly left Arachne's mouth before she heard the sound of a crutch on the floor. Turning to look behind her, she saw a feeble old woman in a rusty gray cloak. The woman's eyes were as gray as her cloak, and stra
ngely bright and clear for one so old. She leaned heavily on her crutch, and when she spoke, her voice was cracked and weak.

"I am many years older than you," she said. "Take my advic
e. Ask Minerva's pardon for your ungrateful words. If you are truly sorry, she will forgive you."

Now Arachne had never been very respectful to old persons, particularly when they wore
rusty cloaks, and she was very angry at being reproved by this one.

"Don't advise me," she said, "go and advise your own children. I shall say and do what I please."
但是,何瑞克宁也不曾见过这位女神,因此认为她所做的一切全靠自己,甚至骄傲的自以为了不起。 有一天她还说:「如果我没有比女神蜜娜娃更擅长织布,至少可以说和她织的一样好。
我好想和女神比赛织布。如此一来,就能够看出谁的技术较精巧了!」 何瑞克宁才刚说出这句不知好歹的话之后,就听见地板上传来拐杖的声音。
她回过头一看,发现一个穿著陈旧灰色外套的孱弱老太婆。 她的眼睛和外套一样是灰色的,不过尽管是上了年纪的老太婆,眼睛却如此不可思议地炯炯有神而且明亮。 她重重地倚靠在拐杖上,说话的声音低沉又粗哑,并且很微弱。
「我比妳年老!」她说: 「请听我的忠告。 向蜜娜娃请求原谅你说了忘恩负义的话。 你如果真心忏悔蜜娜娃一定会原谅你的。」 何瑞克宁对老人,尤其对穿著陈旧外套的老人非常不尊敬。因此,她被这个老太婆训了一顿,感到十分不满。
「请不要教训我!」她回答:「回去管教你自己的孩子们。 我说我想说的话;做我爱做的事。」

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
