2 Then Psyche began long search for her lost Eros. She met Pan, Ceres, and Juno, one after another, but none of them could help her. At last she went to Venus herself, thinking that the mother of Love would be kind to her for Love's sake. Eros, at this time, l ay in the palace of Venus, suffering from the wound caused by the burning oil. Venus knew all that had happened, for a gull had flown to her and told her. She was very angry, and as a punishment imposed certain almost impossible tasks upon Psyche. First, the goddesspointed to a great heap of seeds, the food of the doves that drew her chariot, and of the little sparrows that accompanied her on her journeys. It was c omposed of wheat, barley, millet, and other kinds of seed, all mixed carelessly together. "Take these," said Venus, "and separate them grain by grain; place each kind by itself, and finish the task before nightfall." Poor Psyche had no courage to begin the task, but sat with drooping head and folded hands. Then a little ant ran out from under a stone, and called the whole army of the ant people, who came for Love's sake, and quickly separate d the seeds, laying each kind by itself. | 2 自此,莎姬开始用漫长的岁月,找寻她所失去的爱罗斯。 她见过牧羊神、西莉丝(农耕女神)、朱诺,但是谁也无法帮助她! 最后,她想到爱神的母亲可能会因为爱神而亲切对待她吧!于是便前往维纳斯的地方。 这时候,爱罗斯躺在维纳斯的宫殿里忍受热油的灼伤。 有一只海鸥飞下来告诉他,维纳斯已经知道了全部的经过。 她非常的愤怒,要惩罚莎姬做几乎不可能做到的工作。 首先女神指着一大堆拉她战车的鸽子,以及陪她旅行的小麻雀所吃的饲料种子。 那是不小心混在一起的小麦、大麦、以及其它种类的种子所混合成的。 「拿着这些东西,」维纳斯说:「请一粒一粒地把它们挑出来,不同的种类各自分开放置,在日落之前把那项任务完成。」 可怜的莎姬连用手做那工作的勇气都没有;颈子低垂,两手交叉地坐在那里。 那时有一只小蚂蚁从石头下跑出去,招呼一大群的蚁族,它们为爱神而来,马上把种子分开,依其种类的不同放在不同的位置。 |