

The next day the sisters came again to the high rock, and Zephyrus blew them down into the valle
y, just as he had blown Psyche down. They were very much surprised to see the good fortune that had befallen their little sister; but instead of rejoicing at it as they should have done, they were envious of her. They
asked her a great many questions, and were particularly curious about the owner of the palace. Psyche told them that he was away hunting on the mountains. Then Zephyrus, thinking that they were getting too inquisitive,
whisked them away to the rock, and that was the end of their visit.

After a time Psyche grew tired of being so much alone, and wished to see her sisters again. Her lover gave his consent a second time
, but warned her not to answer or even to listen to any questions about himself, and told her, above all, that if she ever tried to see him face to face, he should be forced to fly away and leave her, and that the palace also would vanish.

The next day Zephyrus brought the sisters into the valley as before.
翌日,姊姊们又来到那块高耸的岩石,西风之神像吹下莎姬那样,把她们吹落在山谷中。 她们看小妹妹如此幸运,非常惊讶!然而她们看见这样的情景,所表现出来的不是兴奋,而是嫉妒她。 她们向她探听很多事,尤其想要知道有关于那宫殿主人的事。 莎姬回答说他去山上打猎。 这时,西风之神觉得她们太好管闲事,便把她们送上那块岩石,结束了她们的拜访。
过了一段时间,莎姬厌倦这孤独的生活,并渴望能和姊姊们再见面。 她的爱人再一次答应她。不过警告她不要回答、甚至不要说有关他的事情,并慎重告诉她,如果她想看他的模样,他就不得不飞离她,连那座宫殿也会消失殆尽。

文章标签:英汉  希腊神话  
